A very good day
So I wake up this morning having spent all my 9000 retro paying off debt and low and behold my checking account had another 20K in it. This was one year retro SS payments, they still owe me another...
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Happy for you Lou! Rough day here, husband was with our neighbor all day at Muskogee with the neighbor's C&P. echo, chest x-ray and questioning period all done in one day. 3:45 I get a phone call...
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Donnella, there are good days and bad days but thank god your granddaughter is ok, my brother back in the days he was her age, made a profession out of getting hit by people, had a good New Jersey...
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donella, glad your grandaughter is doing okay. scary phone calls you hate to get
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Happy for YOU and the Mrs. Lou... What a relief, huh!? All of a sudden life is a lot rosier and you can plan to have some fun. I am off for my annual week in Hawaii next week. So much for stretching...
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Donnella glad your grand daughter is okay hell of a thing to happen after just getting your license. Lou congradulations and i'm sure you and your wife wil have an excellent time in Vegas, and BB try...
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Filipino Vets are getting a one time compensation of $9,000.00 and US citizens getting $15,000.00 . Does anyone knows what War was this? Maybe I qualify for something. Maybe a couple of bucks.
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LouF,What's up with the retro SS? I started drawing SS at 62 (reduced rate) and was just awarded 100% disability effective Jul, 2010. I won't hit full retirement age until Dec, 2011. Am I eligible...
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Chief B wrote: Where is that info at????http://www.va.gov/CENTERFORMINORITYVETERANS/NewsFlash.asp
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She threw out a feeler to see what Vets and the ones collecting S.S. would say. If we stay quiet they will think we don't care. It's time for us to step up to the plate. It is time we let our voice be...
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OldGunPilot1st9th1stCav wrote: LouF,What's up with the retro SS? I started drawing SS at 62 (reduced rate) and was just awarded 100% disability effective Jul, 2010. I won't hit full retirement age...
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Old gun....did you ever get an answer to your question about retro SS....I'm in a similar position.thanks.
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CONGRATS Lou !! So happy for you and your wife. I think we all look forward to the $$$ to get out of debt.
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Question - I retired at the age of 62 and started drawing SS (early). I was rated 100% by the VA in 2006 does that mean I should have notified SS to draw SS disability and would it be more than I am...
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Us too, with the SS. Now that we got the decision do we go back to the SSA and ask for the increase? My husband is retro back to 11/09 and that is also when he started taking his SS.
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I don't know the answers to the SS vs SSDI questions, maybe the Social Security forum might.
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SSDI pays at the same rate as retiring at age 66 at which time you loose SSDI and just on regular SS. If your are younger than age 66 and think you are eligable for SSDI go for it because it will mean...
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Yeah but, If you get 1400 at age 62 and say 1700 at age 66 and you take SS at 62 and get the lower amount and transfer to SSDI, which pays at higher amount and continues to pay at higher rate once you...
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